Service Order
The purpose of the Service Order is to keep all Assets in the right condition for exploitation. Service Orders are external maintenance processes. From the Asset Insider perspective Service Orders are related to the warranties for each asset.
Where to find the Service Orders
Service Orders tab is in the Tasks section, right after Quick Moves.
How to create a Service Order
The user can create new Service Order by clicking the “+New” button on the top Ribbon.
Those fields with * are mandatory.
- Service Order Type - The service order type can be – Warranty Repair or Out of Warranty Repair. It depends on the needs that we have and, on the warranties, related to the asset.
- Location From – From where the asset should be taken.
- Service Provider – The Company which must do the Service Order.
- Repair Location – The location on which the Service Order will be done.
- Transport Company
- Expected Return Date
- Cost For Allocation – Cost related to the allocation of the asset. If there are few assets in the order, the amount which is filled in will be split equally between all assets in the order. For example, from one location to another, the transport company will charge with the amount for the allocation.
After the creation of the Service Order, the user must choose the desired assets by clicking on
“+New Service Order Line” button.
Only related records will be visible to the user. The assets will be filtered. The applied filters are:
- Location From
- For Warranty Repair - Asset status = “For Warranty Repair”
- For Out of Warranty Repair – Asset Status = “ Out of Warranty Repair”
- For Warranty Repair: Assets Current warranty service provider = Service Order service provider
The fields in the Service Order Line:
- Asset – The Asset which is under the Service Order
- Serial Number
- Internal Number
- Send - Whether it is send or not
- Service Resolution – The outcome of the Service Order
- Returned – whether it is returned or not
- Serial Number (Replacement) – The serial number of the new Asset
- Line Status – The status of the Service Order Line. When the process is ongoing the status is In Progress, after it is finished the status is Completed. Once all of the Service Order Lines are with Line status Completed – the whole Service Order will be completed.
On that period of time the status of the Line is In Progress.
After clicking on the Service Order line, a new window will appear:
The user needs to mark that the asset is already sent.
The service resolution field has 4 options:
- Repaired – The Asset is repaired and turned back.
- Warranty rejected – The asset will be marked as “Out of warranty” repair and its warranty will expire.
- Replaced – The replaced asset will be disposed. The replacement asset will be created automatically. It will inherit all attributes of the replaced asset, including its warranty.
- Not repaired – The asset will be marked as non-repairable and will be sent for Disposal.
The User must choose one of the options before finishing the process. After the field Returned is yes for all Lines, the whole service order is turned to Complete and Inactive.
If the Service Resolution is Replaced, the user must fill in the Serial Number of the new asset and the current replacement.
There is an available option for important notes or documents on the second tab “Notes and Docs”.
The Cost tab shows costs related to the Service Order which are made during the process of the service. For example, cost for allocation.
The user has all the information about each service order for each asset. It could be found in the Timeline: